Sell Your Jewellery

We are constantly looking for new jewellery to add to our collection. We have more than 20 years of expertise and an long jeweller family heritage.

If you are interested in an estimate before you send your jewellery please supply as much of the following as possible to our email You are welcome to call us at +44 (0)20 7183 6008 to discuss selling your jewellery as well.

Here are three tips that help us determine the best possible value for your jewellery.

Send us clear high resolution images.
We know everyone is not a photographer but the following tips might help you take better pictures. Use the macro feature of your camera; do not use the zoom. Use a light background, natural light is best, try photographing near a window. The camera will need to be brought close to the jewellery to fill the screen as much as possible. Depress the shutter release half way for auto focus and then fully to take the picture. Use high resolution and send as jpg attachments.

Send us any appraisal information you have. In the case of larger diamonds and fine gemstones the centre stone information is the most important. Information regarding Colour, Clarity, Carat Weight and Cut will help us establish a value. If you do have an appraisal you can scan the document and include it with a description of your item. We cannot give you an estimate without this information.

And most important, send us your contact information. Sometimes a phone call to clarify information is much easier than sending emails back and forth so please include your phone number.